Welcome to the community

Your Future is here to help get you your first job and to support you in your early career. It doesn't matter what experience you have, and you don't even need to know what you want to do. That's what we're here for.

As part of the Your Future experience, we want to connect you to your fellow graduates and to our team of career experts. We have set up dedicated LinkedIn career cluster groups where you can discover career opportunities, find out more about the exciting events we are hosting exclusive to UoL graduates, and network with fellow graduates. 

The best part, you can join as many LinkedIn Career Cluster groups as you like! 

Why join a career cluster community? 

Being an active member makes it easier for you to find exclusive job vacancies, and opportunities and get the support you need. Use these LinkedIn community groups to find out about events, jobs, and fascinating insights for your sector! 

Cluster communities 

Discover inspiration in stories and amplify it by sharing your journey with others

Be inspired by the journeys of graduates who have not only landed impressive jobs but have also embarked on further studies and actively participated in various career-related activities. Their diverse experiences and achievements serve as a testament to the multitude of paths available to you as you navigate your career journey.

Your Future events 

Virtual events are also a great way to connect with like-minded people and to build a useful early career network. We have lots of Your Future events on Handshake, so why not join one soon?

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